Tuesday 7 October 2014

Monday night........Brawler's Guild anyone? how about some PvP?

Brawlers Guild

So back when the Brawler's Guild started I was a lowly lvl 90 ilvl 476 Hunter, and I got SMOKED!!! I tried the first couple bosses a couple times and died too much for my liking. Plus it was costing a ton in repairs. So I gave up. So yeah.....then last night I decided, well I am ilvl 558 now, I wonder how much of a difference that will make. Well a difference it DID make....AND HOW. I was cutting through bosses like butter, and was able to got Rank 1-8 in under an hour.

What did I take from my Brawler Guild experience last night, well lets delve into that a bit.

1) If you really want a challenge you should be around ilvl 510-ish. If you want it to be easy 550+ makes the bosses fall like butter.

2) Pay attention to the boss mechanic's. I did die twice because I didn't look at the chat Window when Bizmo (Alliance side) tells you what you need to do to beat the boss. Bizmo can really help you in this manner. so Pay attention

3) If you're a Survival Hunter, your pets growl is useless. You will do too much dmg and pull the aggro from you pet, so be prepared to run, A LOT.

4) Once you hit Rank 8, it get HARD AS HELL (no matter your ilvl). I am still stuck here cause the first boss in Rank 8 is brutal.

So there you have it. I got a few more achievements from the Brawlers Guild, along with the title "Brawler" once I reached Rank 8. It's gonna be a bit hard to get that Rank 10 mount when the Brawler Guild season will be over in about a week or so. I will have to start Brawler's again once I hit 100 and with that I've seen the gear at in the WoD Beta gonna need an ilvl of at least 650-660+

Brawler's Achievements:

The Second Rule Of Brawler's Guild
I'm Your Number One Fan
Brawlin' and Shot Callin'


So I am not much of a PvP person. If I do PvP it's just Battlegrounds, and lately just Temple Of Kotmogu. I like this Battleground for two reasons. 1) It's small and you can get A LOT of kills. 2) Alliance actually usually wins this one.

The only reason I am really doing this Battleground is because I am just trying to get the PvP mounts from the Vendor in Stormwind. I already have the Black War Steed. I just need the other ones as well.

PvP Achievements

500 Honorable Kills

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