Monday 19 January 2015

It's been awhile....

So here I am, 3 months deep into Warlords and without any posts about it. I must apologize to the probably 5 people reading this as real life and well WoD have gotten in the way.

Let's bring you sorta up to speed.

I hit 100 very quickly. When the expansion hit, I like everyone else had a hard time getting in, but once I was in I was on the move. I spent the first weekend GRINDING and hit 100 in 2 days. This was when the actual fun began. I then took a week to properly lvl my Garrison up to lvl 3 (not including Pet Menagerie or Fishing Shack yet), and started Heroic's to get ready got the Highmaul Raid.

When the Highmaul Raid began I was already well into the Abrogator Stone's part of the Legendary Ring quest and have about 14 of the 125 required from my herb garden and mine and some follower missions. I am now well completed that and onto the Blackrock Foundry one's even though it also is not open. So I am finding my way into as many Normal and Heroic Highmaul runs as possible that can get past The Butcher or Brakenspore. But that seems to be HARD for people to get mechanics. Not everything can be a tank and spank.

I also have 2 more of my alt's up to 100 with the beginning 640 ring for the Legendary quest, working on the next part. I am also working on my Blood DK and have him up to 96 so far.

I won't list my achievements this post as well I have gotten a TON of new ones from WoD and a couple MoP ones as well for archaeology.

New stuff,

So back to the new stuff going on.

Like I said I am lvling a DK, and am waiting on Blackrock Foundry, but when I am not updating follower missions and such I am testing out PTR stuff and I am liking what I am seeing. Let's get into 6.1 shall we.

1) Heirloom Collections and Vendors

So they have the new Heirloom tab ready to go and I am loving what I am seeing. It works about the same as the toys's tab. You open your tab, you double click on the Heirloom you are looking for and it makes a copy in your bag. No more mailing heirlooms around.

Heirlooms as now are upgradable (except Garry Looms). All Heirloom's when first purchased start at lvl 1 as usual and got to lvl 60. You can then buy your first upgrade token to upgrade it to lvl 85 and then another to upgrade it to lvl 100. Once you have upgraded it in your tab it is that lvl in your tab and will not change for each toon.

The upgrade tokens can be bought at the new Heirloom vendors in EACH major City (SW, IF, DARR, EXO, OGR, UC, SM and TB.) They tokens on the PTR appear to cost 800g each. Loom's themselves seem to be priced between 500-800g also. These could just be PTR test prices. Final in-game prices won't show up till 6.1 goes live.

2) Flying

Not much is changing in the way of flying, except for 1 detail. You will no be able to buy Pandaria flying at lvl 85 instead of 90.

3) New follower ilvl max.

Right now you can only lvl your followers up a a 655 ilvl. This will increase to 670 when Blackrock opens, as to accommodate the higher dungeon requirements. *NOTE* This is being tested in the PTR but will happen in-game before 6.1 actually is released as Blackrock opens before 6.1 is go-live

4) Flight path improvement

So they are clearing up some the the unnecessary FP paths that make flying take WAY Too long and also on the PTR right now have an option for you to click the next landing point if it has multiple points and you may have picked the wrong place. Whether this stays in live to too be seen.

5) Garrison changes

Lots of Garrison related updates, couple of quick ones that are big, building Rush Orders. These are available at a lvl 3 building which will allow you to instantly finish 5 work orders. Whether these are limited to 1 a day  or week use is still up int he air. Also added is Scouting Missive's which are dailies to get more Apexis Crystals and Garrison resources.

Anyways, that was a much bigger update than I was aiming for. But if I am going to dive right back into this now that I have some time, why not go BIG!.

Keep up the grinding and see you in game.

PS, yes I will be updating my avatar at the top as I look badass now in my new max lvl gear.

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